Pineapple Rocket
Public Relations

Public Relations

Storytelling, Narrative, and Communication Expert Strategists

Your message is your mothership:
Full spectrum, strategic communications that soars.
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Public relations is a key piece of any goal and covers a lot of services, depending on need.

Effective PR includes everything from developing thought leadership in your industry, differentiating your product from the noise, or promoting your brand through relevant and audience-ideal channels be they online or in real life. At Pineapple Rocket, our first step is to understand your goals so that we can prescribe the right type, frequency, audience, and platforms that will serve you best. From there, our experienced team of PR pros will help execute on a plan that is effective in both the short and longer term.

Our PR specialties include:

  • Rapid response and crisis management
  • Thought leadership development
  • Brand management and awareness
  • Funded start-up and product launches
  • Media training
  • Talking points development

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Pineapple Rocket

Creating unique, engaging, effective ads and marketing campaigns that add joy to the noise is our passion, our juice, and our why

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