Pineapple Rocket
Qualitative Market Research

Qualitative Market Research

Market Research is the science and precision behind your campaign. Without it you risk getting lost in space.

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There’s an old saying in advertising: “I know that ½ of your advertising dollars are wasted, I just can’t tell you which ½.”

20 years ago, our co-founder Marco Ceglie, vowed to upend that age-old belief and spent the next two decades working with organizations, brands, government agencies, and Tribal Communities to engage overlooked or under-represented audience groups, often with limited budgets and usually short on time. He learned the importance of taking a little bit of extra time to identify your ideal audience groups, understand their most important push and pull points around various decision points, and then truly pinpoint where they are in the greatest density to make an impact for his clients. This approach not only saved money, but ensured the money that was spent engaged those mostly likely to act in ways his clients wished.

We bring this same approach to our work at Pineapple Rocket. We believe that marketing is a science best left to the engineers who do it best and arm them with the data to build out campaigns with the precision of getting a rocket ship to the moon. Details, planning, strategy, art and science all matter. It’s only then that we can plant your flag on the planet of success.

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Pineapple Rocket

Creating unique, engaging, effective ads and marketing campaigns that add joy to the noise is our passion, our juice, and our why

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